
Osaühing Kebab King since 1997

Lugupeetud kliendid ja sõbrad!

Tere tulemast meie uuele koduleheküljele

  Kebab King OÜ on tänavatoiduettevõte tegutsenud alates 1997. aastast , mis tegeleb põhiliselt hummuse, falafeli, kebabi ja muid Liibanoni toite. Alustasime tegevust Pirita Rannahoones, ööklubi Flamingo kõrval ning teine koht oli Paldiski maanteel.

Papa Joe Falafel ja hummus allates 2012, meie Falafelid ja hummus on väsrke ja käsitsi valmistatud.

Info Liibanoni toidu kohta

Liibanoni toit on üks tervislikumaid toite maailmas, see koosneb erinevatest värsketest: taimetoitudest, salatitest, kastmetest, lihast, linnulihast ning mereandidest, mis on maitsestatud värskete ürtide ja vürtsidega. Liibanoni toidus kasutatakse väga palju oma toidu maitsestamiseks küüslauku, oliiviõli ja sidrunimahla. Enamus Liibanoni toite on kas grillitud või küpsetatud.


“Kogunemine perekonna, sõprade ja maitsva toituga on see mis teeb iga isiku rikkas.”

Minu parimad soovid teile kõigile!


Welcome to Papa joes homepage

Kebab king:
Kebab king ou is a fast-food company that Deal with Kebabs,Hummus, Falafel  fast food and some Lebanese specialties. Kebab king ou has been in operation since 1997 in business. Started in pirita rannahoone outside the Flamingo night club and one outlet in Paldiski mnt.
In the begining of 2010  we started mediterranean food store in Sadama Turg and later openend a new shop in Lasnamäe pae turuhall a year later. The idea and the concept was not new, it is existing in almost all cities in europe and in scandinavia but it was new for Estonia.

Papa Joe Falafel and Hummus started in 2012, our Falafel and Hummus are handmade, and freshly prepared!

About Lebanese food
Lebanese food is regarded as one of the healthiest food in the world, it consists of a variety of fresh vegetarian dishes, salads, dips, fresh meat, fresh poultry and fresh seafood, and all seasoned with fresh herbs and spices. Lebanese  use garlic, olive oil and lemon juice in their foods and  salads and marinates.Most of Lebanese foods are either grilled or baked.
Lebanese food is too good to use anything that is second rate, the flavors are what makes the food so great, so by using the freshest and best ingredients, you can be assured that  the food will be exceptional.

“The gathering of family, friends and delicious food is what makes any person rich.”

My best wishes to all of you!


Please notice that we deliver our main menu via wolt! delivery time is limited!

Catering menuu we have no delivery service!!

Also please notice our opening time before ordering!

Thank you!